
Friday, December 11, 2009

JSP Primary School Tuition Programme 小学补习班

Learning is Fun and Easy 读书快乐又容易

Primary school tuition classes (Whole brain teaching method)
New Intake招生: Standard 1-6 年级

Unique Features 特点

  • Super Memory Map (SMM) is a whole brain development programme which produces students who are imaginative, creative, analytical and good in thinking skills.
  • 精忆图是一套全脑开发的系统.它能提升学生的想象力,创造力,分析及思维能力.

Subjects 科目

  • Bahasa Malaysia, English, Chinese, Mathematics, Science
  • 国语, 英语, 华语, 数学, 科学

Emphasises 课程重点

  • SMM Learning Skills, 5 Main Subjects, 140 sets of Test Papers, Homework Guidance, Exam Preparation, Lessons are developed based on school syllabus
  • 精忆图TM学习技巧, 五大全科, 140份评审试卷, 学校课业辅导, 备考, 教材以辅助学校课程为主

Weekend programme 周末课程:
3Q Kids Reading (Chinese, English, BM) 幼儿3Q阅读 (华/ 英/ 国语)
Art 手工绘画, Mental Arithmetic & Maths 实用珠心算+学校数学__________________________________________________________


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