
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Well done to our JSP Students! 恭喜MRC Relau<读书乐>学生!

Congratulations to our JSP students for their success in the 2010 MRC International Talent Competition (Northern Region) which was held on 3 Jul, they thoroughly enjoyed the presentation and experiences on the stage !!! Three of our students (Jian He,Wei Si and Bee Lin) are qualified for the semi-finals, which will be held on 8th August 2010, at Klang, Selangor.

恭喜本院<读书乐>小学补习班同学,你们做到了!三位<读书乐>同学代表本院参加2010年MRC国际嘉年华(北马区选拔赛)成功摘下半决赛权~ 他们分别是坚赫同学, 惟思同学和眉霖同学。他们即将代表本院参加八月八号假雪兰莪巴生港口举行的半决赛。同学们,再接再励啦~我们支持你!

Let's enjoy the sidelights at the competition
2010 北马区选拔赛花絮