Dear parents and friends,You are cordially invited to “Super Memory Map” seminar on Sunday September, 21st 2008 from 9:30a.m to 4:30pm at MRC Learning Centre Relau, Penang. The seminar is free of charge!About the talk:-
Take a look at your child’s homework books and what do you see? Nicely written neat paragraphs? Tidy lists of facts and figures? If so, the teacher is to be praised? Teachers like to see neat handwriting – after all, it makes their job a lot easier. But are neat hand-written notes really the be-all and end-all? Are there better ways of stimulating children’s memory and creativity than copying dull lists of words?
Why does SMM method work so well as a study tool? It engages your child in whole brain thinking and allows them to see the big picture on how all the different ideas are to be connected to one another. It also helps to clarify thoughts, simplifies complex ideas, memorizes information and allows them to be creative so they will not get bored easily!
Come and join us for this interesting seminar which guarantees that you will learn something new!For more information about the event, please contact us at 012-410 2715 or refer to the below leaflet. Thank you!

Centre address: 88N, 1st Floor, Jalan Tun Dr. Awang, 11900 Bayan Baru, Penang
Contact: 012- 410 2715